Bali Cheaper Price:
USD 50 /CAR (Max 6 Persons) / IDR 450.000
USD 100 /Mini Bus (Max 12 Persons) / IDR 900.000

after at Besakih, we continue to Jimbaran travel (for dinner on the beach and waited for sunset).
after the jimbaran, back to the hotel.
Legend Besakih Temple:
Besakih Temple is located in the Southwest of Mount Agung, Besakih Village, Rendang district, Karangasem regency. Approximately 90 kilometers northeast of Denpasar. At an altitude of 1000 m from sea level, with 298 buildings in the temple complex of 18 units, is the largest temple in Bali, even in Indonesia. Sprawled at the foot of Mount Agung, Bali's highest mountain whose height reaches 3142 m.
The word "Besakih" comes from the word "Basuki" which means 'congratulations' and develop into Basukir Basukih, then become Besakih. These names are stored in two inscriptions in Gedong Penyimpenan in Natar Agung, an inscription on merajan Selonding and another at Temple Way in the village Gaduh Strait. Pura Besakih history with travel Sri Markandeya (a Brahmin Shiva) from Mount roar, Basuki area, East Java. His entourage was forced to go back to Java because many who died became ill. After receiving instructions on Mt roar, he returned to Bali and planting Panca Datu (5 metals: gold, silver, iron, copper and diamonds) on the slopes of Mount Agung which became known as the Pura Basukian.
In ancient times, Pura Besakih directly handled by the ruler of Bali. Mentioned Sri Wira Dalem Kesari makes merajan Selonding (around the year 250 AD), chances are he is the King Kesari Warmadewa who reigned around the year 917. Inscriptions found in Malet Gede, the Pura Puseh Panempahan and in Belanjong. In the reign of Sri Udayana Warmadewa, this temple gets great attention, as contained in the inscription Bradah, and inscriptions Gaduh Sakti. In the ejection of King Sri Jaya Kesunu mentioned Jayakesunu ordered set Penjor on Galungan as a symbol of Mount Agung. At the time of Sri Krishna Kepakisan, as contained in the ejection of the ceremony the king Purana Besakih, pelinggih name, waqf land (pelaba), board of management, levels of well-organized ceremony.
General function of this temple is a place for Hindus to invoke the safety (in accordance with the name of the temple). At the time Bhatara Down kabeh that falls on every Full Moon sasih kedasa (in October) each year, the entire Hindu come flocking to convey prostrate devotion to God. In this temple also Panca Wali Krama ceremony held every 10 years, and the biggest ceremony of Eka Dasa is Ludra once every 100 years. Ceremony of Eka Dasa Ludra last held in 1973, unfortunately I am not yet born, and maybe my life would not be able to watch the ceremony in person. There are 18 complex of temples, namely:
Pesimpangan Temple
Dalem Puri Temple
Manik Mas Temple
Bangun Sakti Temple
Ulun Kulkul Temple
Merajan Selonding Temple
Gua Temple
Banua Temple
Merajan Kanginan Temple
Hyang Haluh Temple
Basukian Temple
Kiduling Kreteg Temple
Batu Madeg Temple
Gelap Temple
Penataran Agung Temple
Pengubengan Temple
Tirtha Temple
Peninjoan Temple
In addition to the 18 complex of temples, the temple complex also Padharman to worship a particular descent group in Besakih. Pura Besakih Complex is very spacious, with views of Mount Agung is green, very beautiful. We're really impressed with our heritage and all the grace of God. This place is really nice to find peace and closer to God.
Bali Cheaper Price :
Departure from the hotel : 8:30 am
Included : Aircon , Petrol , Driver , Guide.
Reservation :
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Thank you very much
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By : M Bali Tours